Identity and Self-Realization : Oct 1 - Nov 5, 2108

Mondays at 7:30pm EST** (subject to change, see below)

In this 6-week series, we will gather for an hour and a half once each week from our home computers for a combination of teaching, experiential practice, and sharing. This class is not lecture-style, but rather a more intimate encounter with the teachings and with each other. (Accordingly, it is limited to 8 participants to provide space for connection and discussion.)



We will focus our gatherings around understanding, at an experiential level, the distinction between ego-activity (nafs) and that of our soul, or essential presence. We will notice how ‘who we think we are’ structures our lives, as we turn more deeply toward encountering who we truly are (self-realization).

As we learn to experience ourselves as presence, we become increasingly clear about when we are working in harmony with the natural flow of life and when we are unintentionally creating obstacles, as well how to address this. It is my hope we all will emerge from this series better able to recognize and settle into the depths of being, and as we do so, act from sources of greater wisdom, equanimity, freedom, and peace.


If you are new to Zoom, the program is free and easy to use. I will send out a link to participants, and you will simply click to link to join our group video call.

The 6-week series is by donation. I rely on freely-given donations (dana) to sustain a life of spiritual service and to continue offerings like this one. Please consider an amount that feels right per class. It is not important if it is small or large, only that it feels like a genuine expression of what is real for you. (Instructions for donations will be sent with confirmation of registration).

It is not a requirement to attend all 6 classes. However, if you think you may not attend some, please consider leaving a space open for someone who wishes to fully commit and joining at another time, since there are a limited number of spaces available.

Inquire or Register : email

**If a significant proportion of those who wish to participate cannot attend due to time zone (West Coast, European, or other), I am willing to consider another option. Please let me know if this is you.