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A Co-Creative Life

A Co-Creative Life   ~    6-Week Zoom Series

In these times of heightened anxiety and uncertainty, it is more essential than ever that we attend deeply to the life and future we wish to create for ourselves and our world. At our core, we know we are inherently creative beings, with more power than we can imagine, yet we are often derailed by confusion or lack of clarity about what this actually means or how to embody it. In this series, we will delve into the true heart of co-creativity, to apprehend more deeply how our souls co-create in unison with nature and the divine. This will necessarily involve visiting themes such as soul purpose, concentration, immanence and transcendence, the role of unseen beings, and more.

While six weeks can only offer an entry into this vast domain, with a spirited and experiential approach, we will begin to establish a foothold into a way of being and perceiving that can radically reshape our individual and collective unfoldment.  Classes are 90 min weekly, 1pm EST USA

Earlier Event: September 6
Focused One-to-One Work